Lütfen Cihazınızı yatay konuma getirin.

The cities are characterized with their social, cultural and stylistic identities. The buildings and places are the physical projections of the city and they create the identity and memory of the city. The characteristic city buildings have been deformed by the buildings which are rapidly increasing in number and disrupting the city like cancerous cells. The city of Trabzon which is a coastal town and having a characteristic urban fabric with its topographic position, has also lost its characteristic and its historical buildings with the cancerous expansion of this type of settlement.

Lezzet Restaurant, fighting to protect this characteristic urban fabric, is a family run restaurant which is been serving for six-generations, and is a modest building bringing past's Trabzon tales to our present day. The documents related to the restaurant's foundation have been lost in the fire which took place in 1887 in Trabzon Municipality. The restaurant that bears witness to the history of Trabzon city, could not serve during the Russian occupation which took place between 1914 and 1917, and after the resumption of the city, has continued to serve without interruption until today.

During this period the building has undergone various little reparations, and due to the problems such as insufficient substructure and sanitation system, could not fulfill the needs of daily life and has undergone a comprehensive alteration work. Due to the fact that the internal structure of the building had not got the required qualification to be protected before the restoration lead to a decoration capable of  meeting the needs of nowadays.

The building has a ground floor + 1 floor, and in the current project there are two main entrances in the east and south facade, and one service entrance in the west facade. At the west side of the long narrow rectangular form having 4.60 x 19 m dimensions, there is the stairway leading to the upper floor and the woodshed. In the proposal project the stairway area has been extended by  redesigning and the access between floors has been ensured.  The ground floor leads to the street in the midst of large glasses and woodworks. At the upper floor of the building, there are keystones having the same rhythm and dimensions and windows surrounded by stone window frames. In addition to all of this, a basement has been built inside the building without pulling down the outside walls and all of the service areas required by the restaurant has been constructed in this floor.

Before the reparation, the building was serving in only one floor, which was insufficient. The load bearing system of the structure constructed with floor arch and masonry construction has been strengthened by post and beam connections and has been reconstructed with hollow-tile floor slab. The necessary arrangements regarding daily needs has been made inside the building, the facade exterior has been protected as the original, and some restoration works have been carried out on this facade.